Issues and Experience
What experience do you have that relates to the office you are seeking?
I have been a teacher for over 25 years. I was also President of the Citrus County Education Association (CCEA) for over 10 years. While President, I have been part of the bargaining team, part of the student progression committee, teacher and support evaluation committee, technology committee, Title 1, 2, and 3 discussions, Budget review and more. I led Professional development at state level and local level and I was department chair. I have served on the Department of Education (DOE) committee for bias and sensitivity on state tests. I have worked with the district on formative assessments. I have been on textbook adoption committee for over 20 years. I was part of the merging of standards to our state tests. I have a masters degree and was Nationally Board Certified. I have advocated for our students, teachers and support staff at the school board to our legislatures locally and in Tallahassee all of my teaching career.
What role do you feel the School Board plays in assisting the mission of public education in Citrus County?
As a school board member, it is our job to create policy to create a safe learning environment, make sure students are getting the proper education and supporting our staff both by policy and compensation. We want our students to stay in public education so we need to make sure that our district has staff to teach, support staff in the classroom to aid and on the busses and drivers to get them to our schools. We want to make sure that we have opportunities for our students to have different avenues to different types of education.
How will you promote the interests of Public Education in Citrus County?
As a school board member it is our job to make sure we have communication with our stakeholders. That is, our staff in the schools, not just administration, our parents, our community, and our legislatures. I will not just sit back and go to the meetings and listen and vote. I will advocate, I will reach out to CCEA and talk with parents. I will go out into the community to find out how education can support them. I will be in the schools, riding the busses, talking with the custodians and cafeteria workers. I will not be escorted with the administration but go in as a supporter of education. I will advocate in Tallahassee for our staff and students.
What is your vision for the future of education in this community?
I would like to see the respect to our staff in education. I would like to see the students held accountable for their actions. I would like the parents to take responsibility for their students actions. I would like to have an hierarchy of complaints about staff. That is, parents talk with educator, then administrator then to district. We have too many complaints going directly to district which takes it to a different level. All of this is done by policy which is written and approved by school board members. I would like to see our students having more opportunities to get involved in trades, if that is their wish rather then thinking all students are meant for college. I would like to have our staff compensated for their commitment to education. We need to make sure our veteran staff is compensated more then our new staff. We need to show our staff that we support them.
In your opinion, what are the most serious concerns for education in our county?
What are your ideas for addressing these concerns? Compensation, support, rigor and accountability. Our governor decided to increase salaries to 47,500, but our salaries have only increased in small increments. So, a compression happened which made some of our over 5 years and up make the same as our new teachers. When we were still not getting the teachers, the school board wanted to increase it to 50,000 and still the compression happened. Same happened for our support staff when they had to increase salaries to $15 dollars an hour. We are very top heavy and the school board approves opening of positions and changing of job descriptions. These openings and changing of job descriptions were for the district administration. We have 5 new directors that we have never had before, 2 assistant superintendent and other administration job changes that increase the salaries. These positions do not need to be filled and we should first look at the job description cost to see of it is a valid change and what does it do to the budget for the staff in the “trenches”. Administration should not be getting the same percentage that was bargained for by CCEA. 3% of $85,000 against 3% of $20,000 is a large amount. We need to work with CCEA on the budget to make sure we are doing the best for our staff. Support, I have mentioned before. We currently have policy in place that says if a child makes false accusation against a staff member that they will be held accountable. However, the policy let’s the administration make that decision. So, nothing has been happening to the student and they repeat the accusation to a different staff member. This policy needs to take it out of the hands of the administration but instead to a committee comprised of the stakeholders just like they have for removing s student from their classroom. Another is having policy in place that if the district receives a complaint from a parent/guardian and it is not a grievous complaint then they must first contact the teacher. If not satisfied then to the administrator where then the administrator must talk with the teacher and if need be have a parent conference. If still the parent/guardian does not feel satisfied then to the district and the district has a conversation with the administration, teacher and a representation of their choice. Rigor and accountability. We need to change the policy where all teachers in elementary must give no lower then a 50%. We have students moving up with poor work ethics. They do not feel that they have to do anything. It is a struggle anyway to get students motivated as is and to allow them 50% is not helping. It should be the discretion of the teacher. The district is currently working on best grading practices with CCEA bit this policy needs to be changed. We need policy in place to help our students and staff not to hinder them.
Do you believe that local school districts should have more or less flexibility in how they spend state-allocated funds?
Local school district should have more flexibility on how they spend state-allocated funds. We are the experts and know the needs of our schools, not the legislatures.
What will you do to secure bus drivers, custodians, paraprofessionals, other maintenance workers (blue collar workers) to stay or come work for Citrus County when it comes to pay and benefits?
Compensation is the most desired. I have met with the bus drivers and their number one complaint is salaries, number 2 is the lack of support. I have repeatedly mentioned how I can help to change this. We need a bus aide on every bus as well, but are having difficulties getting the because lack of salary and benefits. For the bus routes that are less desirable, right now they have difficulty getting bus drivers to drive those routes or have to do it after their own routes. We should have district personnel riding on the less desirable to give that support to the bus driver trying to drive and keep the students safe. Also the bus drivers would like to have their full amount of salary rather than having it spread out during the summer like teachers. They usually get a summer job and would like to have more money during the school year. Our custodians, I have spoken with them as well and they too want more money and better benefits, but they also want to have some of their hours changed. For instance, in during spring break, our night custodians had to come in during the day and work. So the night before, they worked until midnight and then had to come in at 7 am and work until 4 pm. They would like to have a schedule a little easier to their normal schedule. Our paraprofessionals need to be compensated for all their duties. If they work more than one job, then they should be compensated for each job they have to perform. Their job description needs to be updated and written with CCEA since CCEA knows the needs of the paraprofessionals. Our maintenance workers have the same plight as the custodians. All of our staff need better benefits. We have a committee that looks at health insurance but only have 1 CCEA member on it for the record. We should have CCEA be a part of our benefits, working along side the district. This will make it more transparent and give the best option for our staff.
Putting the right dollars in the right areas to get the right outcomes.
As a taxpayer, your tax dollars help pay for Citrus County Schools and therefore the money should be allocated in the right areas to ensure students are successful. Read More
Rigor and Accountability for Students and Teachers
Students are being gifted grades, what does that mean? Read More
Providing the opportunities for students to be successful learners.
This issue has two components that tie in together. Uninterrupted planning time for teachers so they can properly plan their lessons to ensure students success. Data capturing knowledge and understanding how to use the data. Read More